
BMI joins Breast Cancer Prevention Month

Mes de prevención del cáncer de mama cuidados y tips

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October is a special month for many reasons, but there is one in particular that moves us and that is breast cancer prevention. This is a month where our hearts are dyed pink to raise awareness about the fight against cancer worldwide and with special emphasis on October 19.

At BMI we want to provide you with relevant information about this disease that touches many homes and that often causes pain and mourning. However, prevention can make a big difference and, therefore, we want to give you some tips that can reduce the risk of developing it or reaching an advanced stage.

It is general knowledge that breast cancer is more common in women and can present in different ways, therefore, a complete medical examination to determine it in time will always be a good decision.

Symptoms you should pay more attention to:

  • Masses in the breast.
  • Thickening of the breast.
  • Alterations in size, shape or appearance.
  • Skin changes such as redness, pits or dimples.
  • Change in the appearance of the nipple or the skin around it (areola).
  • Abnormal nipple discharge.

The questions about the disease are many and range from: How can we reduce the risk? to what needs to be done so that our lifestyle is optimal so that we can have less chance of developing the disease?

  1. The first and most important step is to take five minutes of your time every month to do a self-examination, those five minutes can save your life.
  2. Eating healthy will help prevent breast cancer and other diseases. It is important to eat a varied and balanced diet.
  3. Physical activity cannot be missed, in fact, it is recommended to do between four and seven hours per week.
  4. If you are about to become a mother, it is advisable to breastfeed for at least six months and avoid prolonged hormonal treatment.
  5. Avoid alcohol consumption because it is harmful and try not to be exposed to tobacco smoke.

Specialists in the field recommend adopting these routines because they will help us reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 30 percent.

Remember October is a month to raise awareness, however, throughout the year you should try to take care of yourself and examine yourself periodically because breast cancer is a disease that can attack at any time and silently.

Develop the habit of informing yourself about this disease and try to take care of yourself, but above all, provide support to those who are in this fight. It is important that you know that you are not alone and today our hearts are pink for this battle against breast cancer. Prevention and support are essential, we are here for you.

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