
50 tips to stay healthy

salud mental y fisica

Table of Contents:

At BMI, the peace of mind and health of each of our clients is a very important element. This 2023 year in which we celebrate our 50 years in the Latin American market we want to recommend different options that will help you entertain yourself, acquire knowledge and, of course, achieve an optimal state of health, without stress and with the best possible harmony.  

We hope that you try to apply these 50 tips in your life so that you develop habits that will complement your daily routine and you will be able to achieve a full life, but above all, with health, which is the most important intangible that we can have.

  1. Relax in the sun: The vitamin D that the sun gives us protects us from diseases and lifts our spirits, it is essential to take in sunlight.
  2. Enjoy your coffee: Did you know that coffee improves your concentration and alertness, in addition to having a positive effect on our mood. So that afternoon coffee, enjoy it to the fullest.
  3. Try to have a sustainable dream: During sleep, the body recovers and repairs itself. In addition to contributing positively to our mental health.
  4. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle: Staying inactive is not good for us, being in movement improves blood circulation and improves our posture.
  5. Keep the brain active: There are various ways to maintain and improve our cognition such as doing puzzles, a word search, crossword puzzles, studying new things, social life, among other activities.
  6. Cultivate interpersonal relationships: Connecting with our family, friends and trusted people helps improve mental and physical health.
  7. Perform stretching exercises: improving your muscle flexibility, it also helps coordination, balance and if you practice a sport, it reduces the probability of an injury.
  8. Travel: Traveling involves exposure to new experiences, cultures and environments. This can stimulate the mind and encourage curiosity, which is good for mental and emotional health. Learning about new cultures and ways of life can broaden perspective and promote empathy.
  9. To meditate: Meditation helps your physical and emotional well-being. Some of the fruits it can bring you are: better sleep, increased attention and concentration, and it is a good method to reduce stress.
  10. Drink water: Hydration is essential for all cells and systems in the body.
  11. Take a break or vacation: increases happiness, who doesn't?, helps with creativity, recharges your being with what truly matters and is excellent for our mental health.
  12.  Have a pet: Having this pure company helps you reduce stress, anxiety and is completely therapeutic support.
  13. Visit the doctor periodically: It is not good to wait for something to happen to us to go for a medical check-up or have control tests. Prevention is essential.
  14. Connect with nature: It reduces fatigue and exhaustion by giving you a calm, different and restorative environment. Strengthen your physical health as it also promotes a stronger immune system.
  15. Laugh: Laughing and having a good time in our environment relaxes your muscles and laughter is related to a longer life expectancy and healthy aging.
  16. Personal time: Spending time on activities that you like will always be good for our mental health.
  17. To write a diary: Writing allows you to cleanse emotions, improve creativity and self-learning. It gives us clarity, helps us organize ideas and release stress.
  18. Get up early: helps us fall asleep at night and regulate the circadian cycle
  19. Bathe with cold water: You may say: Never! But we tell you that cold water strengthens your immune system, accelerates muscle recovery and activates circulation.
  20. Limit technology use before bed: Stop checking your cell phone about 30 minutes before going to sleep, it can improve your sleep and rest.
  21. Read your favorite book or a new book: Reading reduces the risk of suffering from dementia, in addition to exercising your mind.
  22. Eat well with fruits and vegetables: If we want to give our body the nutrients it needs, such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, protein, calcium, fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients, you will find them in them.
  23. Wash your hands: prevents diseases and spread of infections.
  24. Eat consciously: Pay attention to what you eat but also enjoy every bite.
  25. Take care of your dental health: brush and floss regularly.
  26. Practice gratitude: Maintaining a positive attitude even in the most difficult moments can generate good habits for your mental health.
  27. Recycle and take care of the environment: Nature is also healthy and benefits us all, including animals and their habitats.
  28. Maintain an upright posture: Prevents future back problems.
  29. Let's keep our environment clean: Whether in your office, room, home, wherever you spend most of your time, cleanliness is essential for both mental and physical health.
  30. Join a group of people or club of your interest: Some clubs offer opportunities to take on leadership roles, which can improve your management and leadership skills. In addition to a sense of belonging to a group that shares your passions and interests.
  31. Get an eye exam: Eye exams allow early detection of eye problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye disorders. The sooner these problems are identified, the more effective their treatment can be.
  32. Maintain a regular meal schedule: This helps your body adapt and function and in turn we recommend avoiding eating heavy foods right before bed.
  33. Disinfect your spaces and keep them clean: Disinfection eliminates germs, bacteria and viruses that may be present on surfaces and objects. This helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases between people sharing the same space.
  34. Let's choose a regular exercise activity: Physical activity is crucial to maintaining cardiovascular health, muscle strength and flexibility.
  35. Avoid tobacco consumption: Smoking significantly increases the risk of cancer and respiratory diseases
  36. Limit alcohol consumption: Excess alcohol can damage the liver.
  37. Let's take care of our mental health: Mental health is as important as physical health, seeking support is necessary if we are going through situations that affect us.
  38. Practice resilience: We know that overcoming challenges is not the most beautiful thing, but it does make us stronger and develops another skill in us.
  39. Encourage hobbies and creative activities: Art and recreational activities stimulate the mind and give you personal satisfaction.
  40. Listen to your favorite music: can increase the release of dopamine in the brain, which improves mood and reduces stress.
  41. Keep track of your progress: Taking control and seeing our process in different areas of our lives, including exercise, will keep you motivated.
  42. Maintain a skin cleansing routine: Prevents clogging of pores, removes excess oil, dirt and impurities that accumulate on the surface of the skin.
  43. When leaving home, don't forget to protect yourself from UV rays. This will help us against premature skin aging, burns and reduce skin cancer.
  44. Let's avoid excess work: Finding a balance between our work life and our personal life brings us closer to our loved ones and frees us from stress.
  45. Reducing screen use is beneficial for our body, since excessive use of screens, whether computers, television, cell phone or others, produces loss of neurons in the eyes.
  46. Use essential oils: many are stimulating, calming and help our body both physically and mentally. For example, lavender oil helps you calm stress and anxiety.
  47. Make puzzles: Puzzles challenge your ability to find solutions to complex problems by putting pieces together logically and coherently.
  48. Make a special environment when sleeping: It will help you rest better and force you to take time for yourself.
  49. I attended concerts: Concerts provide a unique form of live entertainment, with the opportunity to enjoy music in its most authentic form. The excitement and energy of live performance can be exciting and fun.
  50. I go hiking: Hiking is an effective form of cardiovascular exercise that helps strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

These 50 tips can give us that extra something in our lives that we were waiting for. BMI celebrates 50 years of protecting you and we want you to enjoy your life with physical and mental health, but above all surrounded in harmony with what you love most, your family.

BMI 50 times yes!

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