Why choose BMI as your insurer?

Our main commitment at BMI is to provide you with the best service coupled with our extensive experience in the personal insurance market, both nationally and internationally, acquired in more than 48 years of experience, offering the best policies for the protection of health and the heritage of thousands of families in different parts of the world.

Our mission aims for you and your loved ones to enjoy the best experience in individual and group personal insurance, therefore since 2010 we have opened operations in Costa Rica under the supervision of the General Insurance Superintendency (SUGESE), complying with the strictest regulations. of the A10 code, SGS-R-408-2010.

Our responsibility, leadership, constant innovation and updating make a noticeable difference in the lives of thousands of clients who honor us with their trust. The best experience goes hand in hand with a solid insurer, with worldwide recognized support, with the daily commitment to always offer you the best solutions.

The enjoyment of a pleasant and unforgettable experience is our passion and we seek that this is reflected in each contact you have with our company.

¿Por qué BMI?

Why BMI?


50 years of experience and history dedicated solely to Latin America and the Caribbean


Over one billion of Assets


Over US$1 billion in benefits paid to our policy owners worldwide


Millions of clients in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia


Strategy of continuous expansion. Corporate subsidiaries and service offices in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grand Cayman, Guatemala, Taiwan, United States and Venezuela.


Broad portfolio made up of elite quality products and services


Continuous training for representatives and customer service staff. Innovative online learning platform with webinars and academic training courses


24/7 Service and multilingual operators


Security vis-à-vis currency value and amidst political/ economic changes


Highly respected and reputable within the international market. Our name is synonymous with quality, trust, financial strength, high performance, permanence and exceptional service

Ratings and Recognition

BMI has long been recognized by the media and extremely reputable independent evaluation companies in the international insurance market.

Our History

Since the creation of our first company, we have maintained a strategy of continuous growth and expansion that has made BMI a company with a solid track record over the years.

BMI Leadership

At BMI the members of our professional staff have an excellent record and expertise in the international insurance and investment market; they are strongly committed to leading our big company family in providing an outstanding service, maintaining the exceptional quality of our products and services and ensuring that we meet our clients' needs.
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