Forbes magazine, positioned as one of the largest business platforms in the region, recognized BMI's trajectory in the insurance industry and published the inspiring story of our founder Mr. Anthony“Tony” Sierra.
Today we want to recognize the passionate work that led BMI to become a benchmark in the insurance industry worldwide and also position itself as one of the strongest Latin American companies in Latin America.
In the article, which you can find in Forbes magazine at this link: Magazine – Forbes Centroamérica ( You will learn how BMI grew hand in hand with our founder who had an innate talent, as well as the knowledge and experience of an insurance agent that allowed him to position BMI in Latin America and the world.
Words perseverance and perseverance They are references when we talk about the beginning of the company. These two concepts continue to be key for our company, which turns 50 this December. This long path has allowed us to continue being passionate about serving our clients and always seeking innovation for the benefit of families worldwide.
In the publication you can find more details of the growth that the company has had throughout its history and will continue to have. BMI is a company that is strongly committed to the path of innovation, providing the best service and offering centric customer service, using technology as its main tool to solve the needs of our clients.
We invite you to enter Forbes and learn more about our history that was born 50 years ago.