In current times, health has become an everyday issue, with the appearance of different viruses, diseases and the covid-19 pandemic itself and its variants, for this reason it is necessary that you keep in mind the best options at the time to choose your international health insurance, which gives you the possibility of being insured and having care in any country where you are.
One of the situations we see most frequently is that of people who decide to expatriate or move outside their local country or country of origin, either permanently or with the desire to find a better option in another country temporarily, whatever Whatever your plan, now or in the future, you should keep in mind that having international health insurance lets you know that you will be insured no matter where you decide to live.
When choosing international health insurance, it is common for you to find yourself with doubts and questions for which your best option will be to consult your insurance agent, but today we will give you answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. time to decide on an international health insurance plan.
5 questions and answers about international health insurance policy:
1. What does international health insurance cover?
International health insurance covers medical care expenses, whether medical consultations, emergencies or urgent care, hospitalization and any illness, surgery, among others, stipulated in a normal policy for people who are in another country for prolonged periods of time, (greater than 90 days).
2. What is the difference between travel insurance or international health insurance policy?
The travel policy is only to cover expenses that may arise during the trip and medical emergencies, but it does not cover major expenses as it can be covered by an international health insurance policy.
3. Does the international health insurance policy cover pre-existing conditions?
In general, international health insurance, like a local health insurance policy, excludes pre-existing conditions, but this will also depend on the insurance company and the conditions that are included in the contract. You should consult with your advisor to know your options.
4. How expensive would an international health policy be?
The price or cost of an international health policy will depend on the specific needs you have and the health conditions in which you find yourself. It is best to compare the different insurance premium and coverage options that your advisor will provide you to see which one is best for you.
5. What are the advantages of having international health insurance?
Having an international insurance policy has multiple advantages, including being able to be sure of having the medical care and coverage established in the contract in the place where you are.
If traveling frequently is in your plans, it is best to have the support that this type of policy will provide you and not risk not being able to afford any health inconvenience that may arise in another country.
If you have doubts, we invite you to consult with your insurance advisor who will help you clarify them and will provide you with all the information you need regarding plans, financing and coverage.