When purchasing an insurance policy, it is best to know what the best options and plans are for you, clarify all doubts in order to choose the correct one and the one that makes you feel more protected and has the coverage you require. avoid any inconvenience that may arise. Today we want to share information that will help you differentiate between international insurance and travel assistance insurance.
Health is an issue that becomes a priority, especially if you want to travel frequently or are thinking of moving out of your country of origin, whether permanently or not, it is best to know your options because it never hurts to count with an insurance policy that gives you that support that you will need in the place where you find yourself.
If you are planning to travel frequently either for work or pleasure or you want to purchase an international insurance policy because you decide to repatriate or be away for a long period, it is good to know what they offer you and thus be able to compare and know if it is better. buy only one travel assistance policy or international insurance, for this you need to be clear about what each of them covers and how to use them if necessary.
Some differences between international insurance policy and travel assistance policies
- The international insurance policy is a policy that covers the amount assigned in the contract anywhere in the world.
- The travel assistance insurance policy covers incidents or medical emergencies in a certain or limited period of time. (The one that lasts the time of the trip until you return to your country of origin).
- An international insurance policy has a deductible cost that must be covered to receive the medical attention that is warranted.
- The travel assistance does not have a deductible amount, it covers the entire amount established in the contract during your trip.
- An international insurance covers medical care, exams, evaluations, hospitalization, surgeries and any emergency for the duration of the policy.
- The travel assistance policy covers only health emergencies, mishaps during the flight such as: loss of luggage, cancellation of flights, among others; but it does not cover elective surgeries, medications or long-term treatment.
- International insurance allows you to be reimbursed for the expenses you make for medical reasons, just as a policy would in your country of origin.
- Travel insurance coverage only allows expenses for emergencies or inconveniences during the trip.
- International insurance coverage is much greater than travel insurance.
Ideal use for international insurance or travel assistance
As its name indicates, travel insurance is only for the specific moment or limited time that the trip lasts until you return to your country, but if you are thinking of residing or living in another country long-term, the best option for you would be to choose one. international insurance policy that will allow you to cover any pre-existing illness, hospitalization, chronic illness and everything established in the contract and not only emergencies or mishaps that may occur during your trip.
If you want more information about plans and coverage, do not hesitate to contact us to provide you with the care you need and thus be able to find the ideal option for you. Remember that being insured will avoid any inconvenience or mishap when traveling or residing in another country.