The presence of cyclones, hurricanes, storms, typhoons, among others, is becoming more frequent and this is mainly due to global warming and climate change. On June 1, 2022, the Atlantic hurricane season began and will continue until November.
It is for this reason that it is increasingly necessary to be informed and to know about the forecasts in these times of hurricanes to take preventive measures in homes, workplaces and communities, as well as to properly organize your travel schedule. and work for this 2022.

Although it is true that meteorological phenomena can be known in advance, they cannot be avoided and the damage they will bring in their wake cannot be known, the consequences and damage they cause can be much greater if the recommendations and forecasts are not taken into account.
On the other hand, the duration of a hurricane can be approximately 9 days, during which time its displacement can be very fast and cover great distances hitting coasts and cities.
It is important to know that tropical storms and hurricanes can cause flooding due to rains, electrical storms, falling trees, damage to houses, buildings, bridges, power lines, billboards, and everything in their path. That is why the best thing to do, if you are in an area at risk of some of these natural phenomena, is to take preventive measures and be informed of the weather news.
Below are some forecast measures to consider for this hurricane season.
Preventive measures in case of hurricanes
- Inspections of the surrounding areas must be carried out in order to identify risks related to trees, branches that can fall and affect power lines and the residences or buildings themselves, these must be pruned or cut if they represent a greater risk.
- It is common that during this natural phenomenon, the electrical service is interrupted, which is why, if possible, it is recommended to have an emergency power plant.
- Have at home bottled water, non-perishable canned food, medicine, first aid kit, flashlights, candles, battery-powered radio, matches.
- Be informed of the news and avoid leaving home in the face of the hurricane
- Secure and protect windows and glass doors and shelter in a safe place in case the winds are very strong.
- Have important documents on hand (such as passport, insurance documents, medical data, among others), as well as emergency phone numbers in case you need help.
- Do not take unnecessary risks and stay away from the coasts.
- Pay attention to the recommendations of the security agencies, if evacuation is necessary, you must be prepared with what you may need. Prepare an emergency kit.
- Stay calm and wait until it is safe to leave the house.
Important data
- During a hurricane, depending on its category, the wind speed can range from 119 kilometers per hour, which is considered a light or category 1 hurricane, to those that can exceed 252 kilometers per hour, which is the highest known category 5 and can be devastating.
- This type of natural phenomenon originates in the ocean due to temperature changes and can be observed from space as a spiral wind figure, the center is known as the eye of the hurricane, while its outer walls are where it is felt. the greatest amount of wind and rain.
- The National Hurricane Center (NHC) expects that this 2022 the activity will be "more active than normal" approximately between 6 and 10 natural events of this type are expected, among which three and six could become high categories or of great intensity.

Hurricanes and storms can cause a lot of damage, such was the case of Hurricane Maria that hit Puerto Rico in 2017 and two weeks later Hurricane Irma, these two left great destruction in their wake, leaving without electricity for a period quite long, making communications difficult and preventing the passage of emergency teams to help and repair damage.
There are many reasons to take precautions in this hurricane season and especially in risk areas such as the Dominican Republic, these can cause structural damage ranging from slight to some of great chaos and destruction, they can also cause physical damage that They put people's health at risk, which is why having your properties insured and having health insurance that covers any incident is a plus that will give you security and support to deal with the damage that can be caused by these natural phenomena. which will end in November.
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