Every February 14 is celebrated in many parts of the world on Valentine's Day or more simply: "The Day of Love and Friendship." But what is really behind this celebration and why has it gained almost worldwide relevance over the years?
In the first references of antiquity that they have on this day, it is related to a pagan ritual in search of fertility, but as time went by, the irruption of the Catholic Church absorbed this holiday and made that over the years it was adhering to popular culture to the point that it became a recognized date of high emotional content in today's society.
Beyond the marketing issues that relate to all these kinds of significant dates, it has become a tradition that brings people together.
Generally, the ritual of romance has not changed much in essence over the years, but has adapted to the canons of each society; It should be noted that, in various countries of the world, this date is not only devoted to love relationships but also, as its name indicates in Spanish, to friendship all that comes from it.
February 14 is therefore not only a symbolic celebration of what love and friendship represent in human relationships at a sociological level, but also a way of understanding ourselves as a collective entity that needs emotional determinants such as attachment, affection and romance, in order to fulfill one of the levels of personal fulfillment that give us identity and satisfaction.