The work environment occupies a large part of our time, it becomes a daily routine that influences other areas of our life. In this context, it is important to talk about labor welfare. And it is that this directly influences the attitude and perception that a worker has about the position he performs every day.
Well-being at work is one of the aspects that most affects happiness. What we feel at work affects our relationships and our health. Living it in a positive way not only depends on external conditions, but also on something key that is in our hands: getting involved and using work psychology to your advantage.
Sometimes we tend to think that our life is what happens outside of working hours: when we are at home, with our friends or on vacation. In fact, many people consider work as a necessary evil, the price to survive and enjoy life in free hours, however, positively involved in work helps our well-being.

We can mention five aspects of well-being: well-being at work, social well-being, physical well-being, financial and community. Of these five factors, occupational well-being has the greatest impact on people's general well-being.
To be well, it is generally essential to be actively involved in work and with what we do: pay attention, concentration, interest and energy at work.
Being little engaged at work doubles the risk of developing depression, a positive attitude in our work environment improves our physical health. For example, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood go down. So an important lesson is that feeling good at work must be a priority if we are to have good long-term health.

To improve our job well-being, BMI recommends the following:
- Identify our personal strengths and put them into practice every day.
- Recognize someone who shares the same purposes and is motivated to grow. Find spaces for coexistence with those teams and people whose company you enjoy at work.
- Developing a good relationship with superiors will help maintain a more enjoyable relationship on a day-to-day basis and therefore lead to enjoying a good state of mind.
- Differentiate the atmospheres, so as not to mix the familiar and social with the work, knowing how to disconnect and enjoy each space.
- Never stop learning, the world is changing faster and faster, so it is important to keep an eye on new realities, theories, studies, technologies and trends. Keeping your knowledge up to date about your area will make you a more capable and open-minded person. Which will motivate you to give 100 and grow in your company.
Work well-being makes us happy, this defines to a large extent, our identity, since it is what we dedicate more hours to every day. When we meet someone, one of the first questions we ask is what they do.