Why does the United States celebrate it in September?
As every year this May 1, workers from almost all over the world celebrate International Workers' Day. A day marked in red on the calendar for more than a century and that today continues to be the most important day for unions around the world. Except for the United States.
In America on Labor Day - "Labor Day" - is celebrated on the first Monday in September. A curious difference that could be thought to have to do with the decades of the Cold War between the country of the stars and stripes and the Soviet Union, where the first of May had a primary weight.
But no, this differentiation comes from much further, and is especially striking considering that there were some altercations during a strike in Chicago in 1886 Those that sowed the base of the current Labor Day are celebrated in Latin America and almost all countries except the North American exception.
It was on June 28, 1894, when Congress passed an act to make the first Monday in September of each year a holiday to celebrate Labor Day.

Reasons to commemorate Labor Day
- Learn about the history and labor rights that have been earned. It is important to know where we come from in order to know where we are going; know how working conditions have evolved throughout history; It helps to measure the current situation, assess the benefits achieved and ask ourselves what the next goals should be.
- Know your rights as workers. Workers are entitled to minimum benefits recognized by the Federal Labor Law. These include the Christmas bonus, vacations, vacation bonus, Sunday bonus, rest days, mandatory rest days, maternity leave, adoption leave, breastfeeding period, seniority bonus, among others. It is important to know your rights to enforce them.
- Know the diversity of workers. In this universe are found, formal employment, informal employment, self-employment and underemployment.
The celebration of Labor Day or Labor Day in the United States, marks the end of summer and becomes for families the ideal pretext to make the last vacation trip or simply meet with family and friends.