We know how difficult it is to meet New Year's resolutions, and it is not always due to lack of will, most of the time we just need a little help to plan better.
Organizing is an art and as such, mastering this aspect requires dedication and specialized advice. Fortunately, we live in a time where technology has become the right arm to face any new challenge.
Apps are one of the most successful digital tools we have, and their development is such that there is literally one for every need in modern society.
Among the most common goals that we set ourselves year after year and that represent a challenge for a great majority, we can establish 3 essential ones:
- Organize properly
- Eat healthy
- Save money.
And to comply with these points, we recommend the best options in apps:
1. Get better organized with Finish. Gestiona mejor tu tiempo y planifica pendientes estableciendo horarios y rutinas de trabajo, con esta app será más sencillo y evitará que se te escapen tus pendientes y tareas. Descárgala aquí.
2. Watch what you eat with Fooducate. A useful app to count calories, analyze the properties of each meal and select personalized diets based on age, gender, physical activity and other individual factors. Download it at here or in here.
3. Saving won't be a headache with Splitwise. Controla y distribuye tus gastos de forma inteligente y sin perder tiempo haciendo cálculos y estrategias con Splitwise. Ahora podrás contar con una conciencia monetaria digital que no te dejará caer en deudas o pasar por alto pagos importantes. Descárgala here or in here.
It is necessary to start creating new habits around the internet and smartphones, so finding a productive purpose when choosing mobile applications is an ideal way to do it.
Use technology to make your resolutions come true this 2019!