Much has been heard about obvious aspects of saving and although it is important to do so, not many people who have the conditions or possibilities know how, since 2 out of 3 recognize their inability to save for different reasons.
It is a reality that this inability to save puts at high risk maintaining a good quality of life at the time of emergencies, eventualities or in the long term, even retirement. That is why it is essential make saving a habit and then a guide on how to achieve it.
Useful habits to cultivate savings in your life:
1-. Budget: Design your budget of expenses and income. Here it is very easy to calculate the fixed expenses and income, where you have to pay more attention is in the variable expenses, especially in the money destined to leisure, because it is there, where you can and reflect on how much of the budget goes and how necessary. is.
Certainly it is not essential to evaluate penny by penny where the money is going, but if a significant deviation is perceived, it must be carefully evaluated and definitely put a stop to the game if possible. Even if it is an expense that unfortunately cannot be avoided, carrying out an analysis of the other expenses to cut the budget and direct the funds will help to maintain a balance.
two-. Save a little more: There is a first that implies that you do not save only what you have left over. By cutting back on unnecessary expenses or on the frequency of them, it is certain that you can save a little more, this is the mentality that will help achieve significant savings and change the way you make conscious purchases, look for better prices and make a good balance quality-price, when making purchases.
3-. Borrowing capacity: This is something that must be taken into account, knowing the indebtedness capacity and avoiding debts above said capacity is vital to maintain a good balance in finances. It must be calculated very well if you can face the payment of installments in long periods of time.
4-. Financial Education: Although some people think that they do not have the financial education to make a budget of income and expenses, this is simpler than it seems, if you do not feel capable of doing it, ask for advice from a specialist, a close friend or a relative who can lend a hand in the order of finances.
On the other hand, it is not only about making a budget, but also about changing the culture and habits a little, to learn to make comparisons. For example online in terms of prices, avoid compulsive purchases and learn to control expenses with credit cards.
Last but not least, those unexpected incomes, which were not counted on and that came as an extra to your budget, are a necessary item in the savings box.
With these simple habits, some discipline, your fund begins to increase, allowing you to maintain your quality of life, without financial setbacks.