On August 19, World Humanitarian Assistance Day is celebrated, thanks to an official decree established by the UN and whose main objective is to pay special tribute to all health professionals and humanitarian workers., who, despite the obstacles, continue to do a beautiful job for the well-being of millions of people around the world, as well as all those who have been murdered while fulfilling their duties.
Why is World Humanitarian Day celebrated?
The origin of this celebration dates back to 2008 when the United Nations Organization decreed this day in commemoration of the terrorist attack perpetrated in Baghdad, Iraq on August 19, 2003 against the headquarters of this emblematic organization and which caused the death of 22 people, including one of its members, the diplomat for the UN, Sergio Vieira de Mello.
This important activist of Brazilian nationality, carried out his duties for more than 34 years in humanitarian work. Thanks to this and as a posthumous tribute, his country awarded him a medal for having left a great legacy in defense of peace and the most vulnerable and neglected people on the entire planet.

The true adventures of heroes without a cape
Today a special tribute is also paid to heroes in real life. They have decided to dedicate their lives to helping others, even in the most extreme circumstances around the world. Humanity has always admired mythical characters, for their exploits, their fight against terrible monsters or enemies, and their adventurous journeys. Nevertheless, the heroes of our world are as worthy of admiration as superheroes, because they are real. Their stories show us that real-life heroes have an extraordinary ability to persevere despite obstacles, and they do so with humility and dedication.
Humanitarian workers are under unprecedented challenge, enduring unprecedented movement restrictions and insufficient resources, as needs exceed available funds. In addition, they very often risk their own life to save that of others.
Among humanitarian workers, at BMI we highlight the essential role of those who work in the field of health. They are being the great heroes and heroines of these times with their daily commitment to save lives in the face of the health crisis of COVID-19, they are exposing themselves to the risk of the disease and working in really difficult conditions. We express our solidarity with them and highlight the importance of all of us protecting ourselves and contributing to the situation.

Community is good
To celebrate this day and appreciate the great work that humanitarian workers around the world do, it will only be enough for each of us to recognize and value the great efforts that these men and women make.
Your solidarity work is necessary for the development of volunteer initiatives and projects; in favor of childhood, youth, woman, family, disabled, elderly, dependent people, homeless, sick, immigrants, ethnic minorities, people in social exclusion.
Together we can make a difference if from our country, community or place of residence we collaborate with some kind of help; through the donation of food, clothing or medicine for those most in need.
Any small contribution in these moments of new challenges for humanity will be a valuable help. The world is crying out for us to unite in a single cause that is to save lives.
Social volunteering it is not built on compassion or charity; lives of the solidarity commitment to defend human rights and respect for the dignity of people who live in situations of discrimination, inequality, need, abuse, dependence, exclusion. Volunteering your time as a social volunteer is the way to live that commitment.