Prevention is key to preventing prostate cancer and other diseases. There are many risk factors that generally give us a red flag when it comes to this disease, but if you have a history in your family or you are close to turning 50, you should be more strict with the checkups you get.
Active surveillance is essential in the process of preventing this type of cancer and, therefore, it is strongly emphasized that frequent check-ups are vital, because early detection almost always helps save lives.
Main risk factors
- Age: It is one of the main risk factors, because as time progresses and men get older, the chances of acquiring it are greater. In fact, most of the diagnosed cases occur in men over 50 years of age.
- Obesity: It is one of the health problems that has multiple consequences and that affects not only blood pressure or causes diabetes, but also increases the risk of suffering from this type of cancer.
- Diet: This is nothing new, if we do not have a healthy diet, our health problems are gradually becoming more frequent. There is evidence that a diet high in calcium is related to an increased risk of contracting this type of cancer.
- Family background: If you have a relative who developed prostate cancer before the age of 60, the check-up should be a priority because the risk that you may have it is very high.
- Race: The American Cancer Society afirma que este tipo de cáncer ocurre con más frecuencia en los hombres de raza negra y del caribe con ascendencia africana que en los hombres de otras razas.
Main recommendations for its prevention
Periodic medical check-up is not a common habit among Latin American men and when it comes to prostate examination, a cultural aspect arises that postpones its performance and, therefore, the detection of cancer that affects this gland.
The American Cancer Society recommends that men have a conversation with their primary care physicians to decide whether or not to have an early detection test, especially those men in these age ranges:
- Upon reaching the age of 40 and if you have a relative who had prostate cancer at an early age.
- At the age of 45, above all, if you have a first-degree relative, father or sibling who received a diagnosis of this type of cancer before the age of 65.
- Men with 50 years with an average risk of prostate cancer and who are expected to live at least 10 more years.

How could I avoid it?
Prostate cancer cannot be safely prevented. Some of the risk factors that we mentioned at the beginning cannot be controlled, but some measures can be taken that will help minimize the risk of developing it. The most important step is frequently monitor your health status, but additionally, a weight must be maintained within a healthy range, doing physical activity and follow an eating pattern that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is important to avoid the consumption of red and processed meats, sweetened beverages, as well as highly processed foods.
At BMI we aim at prevention and promote active surveillance through cfrequent medical checkups that allow you to control your health and act with the speed that is required in the event that a disease such as cancer or another condition could appear. Visit your family doctor and make sure that primary prevention saves your life, do not value your health until you are sick.