Today we celebrate Thanksgiving with our loved ones, we enjoy their company, the traditional dinner and we take the opportunity to take a break from the fast pace in which we live.
This is one of the most popular traditions celebrated in North America, considered as a family party, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and in Canada on the second Thursday, this celebration dates back to the seventeenth century when a group of sailors and passengers They left England and landed on the coast of Massachusetts, where they established a colony there, but the winter caused the departure of many and only half of the group survived helped by the native Indians of that area. In the following fall year, those survivors decided to share the fruits of their first harvests with the natives who helped them.
In 1789 President George Washington proclaimed the date as a national Thanksgiving day. And in 1863 Abraham Lincoln definitively declared the celebration to be a national holiday of the United States.
But what else does this celebration represent? If we reflect, the true meaning of this day is to rescue and strengthen immaterial values such as love, tolerance and solidarity, concepts that have been displaced by the value of objects.

Therefore, it is important that during Thanksgiving Day you return to the importance of gratitude in life, as well as to recognize the reasons we have to be happy. Remember that the man who is capable of giving thanks is a happy man! It should also be emphasized that this day is a time to build reasons for happiness and unity.
We live in a moment in which the lack of empathy has triggered numerous social problems, it seems that on occasions man has put aside his principles, but thanks to celebrations like this we find support to strengthen the essential values in which the future of humanity.
Here are the core values of Thanksgiving:
Generosity. Generosity is the main value of this celebration. Today it is vitally important to recognize the need to share with those who have the least and to be altruistic, only by putting these concepts into practice can we improve our environment.
Friendship and respect. Two values that go hand in hand. You cannot understand one without the other. We must promote respect and treat everyone as equals to form beneficial ties. Today more than ever tolerance and love are necessary.
Sense of family. Sharing the table is a gesture that symbolizes peace and union, and during this celebration it acquires even more strength. Take advantage of this time of year to strengthen your family ties, to remind them that unconditional love is the strength to move forward, and more importantly, let them know that they will always have the family for support.
Solidarity. This last concept is the basis of human society, our development and protection as a society depend on the unification of efforts to face adversity and find solutions together. We must all keep in mind that our commitment as citizens is to help when we have the opportunity.
Don't forget, gather your loved ones and talk about the benefits of practicing the universal values of man every day.
Finally, the BMI team would like to wish you a harmonious and thoughtful Thanksgiving.