Smoking is one of the most common addictions in the population globally. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco in the world, with more than 300 million smokers, almost a third of the world total, while Montenegro has the rate of highest smoking in Europe, with a 46% of its population under the control of this habit.
In the Latin American region, the nations with the highest rate of smokers are Bolivia, Chile and Cuba. And the general statistics indicate that tobacco addiction kills more than seven million people each year around the world.
With these few data, you can realize the magnitude of the health problem it represents, but SAYING NO TO CIGAR IS POSSIBLE!
Combating this habit translates into immediate benefits for the body, and is a giant step to prolong and improve the quality of life, this being the best motivation to commit to quitting.
Just 20 minutes after deciding to smoke your last cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure drop, and in just 3 weeks your circulation improves and your lung function increases. Another of the many short-term benefits that will help you stay motivated is that your sense of taste will improve to such an extent that foods will taste better, your sense of smell will return to normal, as well as your teeth and nails will stop have a yellowish color.
You should always keep in mind that the sooner you quit the habit, the lower the possibility of developing lung, mouth, throat, esophagus or other cancers. Furthermore, the risk of heart attack decreases dramatically and it also reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.
Since tobacco addiction is both physical and mental, quitting smoking is a mission that requires incredible willpower, so it is advisable to seek emotional support to stay strong during your detox, as well as explore the different medicinal methods that will help you as an aid to control anxiety caused by the reduction or total discontinuation of the habit.
There should be no doubt that your whole body will thank you for this change, and it will also fill you with pride that you have been victorious in this great challenge.
The best time to try is now!