The international days created by the UN aim to raise awareness, raise awareness, and point out that there is an unsolved problem in societies. Within that list of commemorative dates, today September 5, we celebrate the International Charity Day, which was designated in 2012 after the 193 countries that make up the United Nations made an agreement to adopt 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The main point of this date is to address the effects of humanitarian crises, strengthening through solidarity the basic services: health, education and housing, as well as the protection of children. This day is established on the same day as the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an icon of philanthropy.
The creation of alliances between governments, philanthropic associations, NGOs and the population in general, is the only strategy to combat inequality and improve the quality of life of vulnerable groups and disadvantaged areas anywhere in the world.

Charitable actions strengthen human ties and promote the value of empathy, this may be the most important contribution of such activities, since transmitting a message of hope through actions motivates people to reflect on the way in which each one You can contribute to a good cause.
According to World Bank studies, nearly 1.1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty since 1990, but progress is still insufficient taking into account rapid population growth. This problem requires actions of global unity, it is a difficult goal, but promoting small actions such as donating to charity, volunteering or managing charitable activities in our communities, will help achieve changes of gigantic value for the lives of many people. .
We are all an important part of creating a better world to live in, decide to help!