World Earth Day: The best day to take care of it is today


World Earth Day: The best day to take care of it is today

Nature is inexhaustibly sustainable if we take care of it. It is our universal responsibility to pass a healthy earth to future generations.
Madre Tierra
Table of Contents:

World Earth Day, a significant date to link positive actions in relation to nature conservation. We must all bet on an adequate and equitable development model which allows, protects and sustainably manages everything that the earth offers us.

On April 22, 1970, the celebration of the Earth day, thanks to demonstrations carried out around the world protesting to protect more the environment.

Its main promoter was US Senator Gaylord Nelson, who fought and established this day to raise awareness of the problems of pollution production and biodiversity conservation facing the Earth.

Eventually, the United Nations decided to take and keep this date, to have one day a year in which more than 158 countries come together to remember how important and unique planet Earth is, to celebrate the millions of ecosystems that give existence to a place that we can call home, is a day to motivate to maintain a balance between the economy, society and the environment; a moment in which we must all unite to settle this world for a healthy and sustainable future.

Since then, this date must be used to raise awareness of respect, sustainability, the promotion of recycling and to carry out healthier actions with our planet.

¡Conéctate con su naturaleza!
Connect with its nature!

"Earth is what we all have in common" - Wendell Berry

Earth, our home. We are part of an immense universe. In it, our planet is full of life, with a rich variety of plants and animals. We humans depend on the land, water and air and we have an inescapable duty to protect life on Earth.

We must and can be part of caring for the environment. There are practical actions that can be carried out without much effort and thereby take the first step towards a more sustainable future.

We must transmit our ideal to the other people around us. In the same way, let us make a commitment to ourselves to develop appropriate actions and strategies to stop ecological erosion.

¡Cuida la Tierra!
Take care of Earth!

At BMI we advise you to put into practice these small actions that in the future will give great results, so that we can consequently improve the environmental condition.

  • Recycling:  It is one of the easiest ways to combat global warming, avoiding generating more pollution.
  • Chemical wastes: Avoid discarding them in seas and rivers.
  • Sunlight:  Take advantage of the sun's rays as a source of light and heat. Schedule changes help us conserve energy.
  • Water:  It is considered the most valuable natural asset on the planet, which is why its use must be adequate and controlled, avoiding unnecessary waste.
  • Reforest:  By planting a tree we are helping to conserve biodiversity and habitat. Healthy forests favor the presence of water; in addition, they provide better oxygen levels to our planet.

By following these simple tips you can improve the quality of the environment and also your life. Remember that the earth is the only home we have and that is where the importance of taking care of it lies.

It is time to become aware and thank Mother Earth for everything she gives us, what better way to celebrate her day with a change of mentality and habits so that we all live better, but above all that she feels loved and valued.

The best day to start caring for the earth is today.

Connect with its nature!

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