The digital transformation, beyond being seen as a simple implementation of technology, must involve a reinvention and a cultural change that affects the procedures, habits and behaviors of organizations and people, which thanks to digital technologies improve their ability to cope with the challenges that pose the new digital times.
In a technological context, the automation of processes or digital transformation should not be seen as a strategy to gain competitiveness but rather as an adaptation that will be essential for survival. However, one of the determining factors and that most affects companies is resistance to this change, since it blocks and prevents taking a step forward.
In this sense, it is essential to be able to identify in what emotional state the organization is as its collaborators regarding this digital change and, in this way, know how to act and provide the correct information at the right time.

In this article we want to propose some simple and essential steps for any company to begin to consider how it could face the Digital Transformation of its organization. As we will see, it is not only a matter of renewing obsolete technologies, but of completing a change in business culture and defining a concrete and long-term strategy.
- Transform Corporate Culture: To successfully tackle a digital transformation process, they must stop focusing exclusively on the technological part and face this new process in a comprehensive way. In this sense, they should redesign the internal organization of the company. They cannot respond to the new needs of society with outdated models. Therefore, it is essential to have clear leadership from the CEO, senior management and develop a corporate culture that encourages the adoption of new business strategies.
- Helping Employees Appreciate Agility with the Use of Digital: Agility is the key to success when carrying out a Digital Transformation. Today's technologies and consumer needs change faster than a business can deliver, and employees must be prepared and trained to move forward at this rate. The best way to drive this change is to establish a set of tangible everyday activities and behaviors that allow employees to act quickly. It is important to have a team specialized in new technologies and digital paradigms. Also adapting their recruitment processes, remuneration and the elements of motivation and engagement.
- Transform the IT Department: The Information Technology (IT) departments of companies must carry out updates to complement their systems and architectures with a new way of developing solutions for the digital world. Far from having to start over, companies should keep the traditional part of the department, focused on systems maintenance. Developing a more flexible digital part that allows innovation.

- Create an Ecosystem of Innovation Outside the Company: Companies must design a strategy to promote innovation outside the organization. In this case, they will let their clients know the objectives and the good impact that their initiatives will have.
- Facing a New Competitive Context: The company will have to define its value proposition to face the new digital challenges. It is no longer about improving existing technology, but about offering added value to customers. In a new competitive context, it is essential to be clear that the most important thing is to differentiate yourself from the competition.
If you are about to start the digital transformation of your business, apply these recommendations! The time for innovations is now. The new norm for businesses is going digital to deliver the experiences today's consumers demand. Is your business part of the transformation?