Why is it important to commemorate it? It is of great importance to commemorate the International Women's Day and appreciate the achievements they have made to achieve a more egalitarian society, with the need for their active participation in all social aspects, such as: economy, politics, religion, technology, science, etc. Consuming herself as an actor and no longer as a mere observer.
Entrepreneur, worker, leader ... modern women have several roles to fulfill, such as:
- His role as a guide, banner and axis for the well-being of his family and loved ones. The role of women has made history in recent times, occupying leading roles that for centuries were occupied by men.
- Today they recognize the importance of their personal, academic, work development and business seeking with this, feel empowered and valuable, making their own decisions, being heads of the family, but also of large companies.

Women in today's society are an example of intelligence and strength, which is reflected in the ability to overcome life's adversities. Years go by and in the world, the role of women expands in a good way. There are many more women introduced into the labor field who, thanks to their innovations, convictions and drive, carry out large-scale projects that benefit the economy and humanity.
The economic, business and social empowerment of women is a key piece to achieve gender equality and build modern, prosperous and inclusive societies. BMI recognizes the importance of women and supports The value of diversity.
In this framework, BMI has a firm commitment to women whose contribution is invaluable in meeting the business perspectives and organizational culture of our company.

Women at BMI have always been pillars for our company, helping to generate tangible increases in productivity, innovation, strengthening of team dynamics and optimization in decision-making processes. We are proud to have women leaders, who since our inception have provided intelligence, leadership and countless benefits.
Seven pillars and women of great power in our company.
A concrete example of this philosophy are these great women. Key pieces in BMI who are part of our institution and today we are proud to mention him and recognize his great work and contribution to our family.

- Nora Corp (Conservation): "Woman of trajectory" The courage and loyalty that are worth taking office for 45 years is to be commended and admired. Contributing to this organization dedication and dedication for so long to help us grow. For many years being an accomplice in the most important projects of the company, accompanying us in processes of constant reinvention. A delivery like this is hard to miss.
Nora Corp, our first employee, points out that her journey at BMI "has been fantastic, I would not change it for anything." Doing her work with love and dedication, motivated and surrounded by great people, who through so long have become family.
It is for all this that we want to honor her, acknowledge her effort and extend our gratitude for being a woman of great value to BMI.
45 years being part of our great family.

- Carmen Nash (Director of Human Resources): "Brave woman" An important pillar in our organization, with dedication and effort contributes to the success of our company, being one of the most important resources to improve and keep our employees motivated.
Going through difficult times for any organization, in the wake of the pandemic, Nash has had to take on great challenges. Full of courage, she has motivated employees and directed the adaptation of the Human Resources department to the new demands of remote work and health protocols. Indicating that: "it has been a team effort, where the key factor has been clear and transparent communication with the staff and management of our company."
Symbol of dedication, we appreciate your bravery and courage in carrying out your work.
30 years being part of our great family.

- Grace Leal (Health Sales Manager): "Woman leader" Leadership emblem for BMI, a smart woman who discusses skills to foster business growth.
Being one of the protagonists of the improvements of our processes and health plans. Grace Leal, stated that "teamwork and active listening to our representatives and clients has led us to implement improvements in them."
We are proud to have your strength and leadership.
12 years being part of our great family.

- Rosy Menéndez (Vice President of Health Claims): "Resilient Woman" has recognized and taken advantage of the opportunities to the maximum, providing quality to the personalized service and delivery to our clients and their loved ones.
Turning the pandemic into a challenge for Rosy Menéndez who, as a leader committed to society, managed to overcome the crisis. Providing innovative ideas that could provide solutions to our policyholders and their families, during the pandemic and the impact that BMI Access had.
The same quote that: «BMI Access for almost a year, shared the onslaught of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 with our policyholders, emphasizing quality in the personalized service that characterizes us. Achieving timely air transport to those who needed it most and even maintaining with our TELEMEDICINE service more than one family that was on vacation and was trapped outside their country of residence, overcoming the virus without having to visit a hospital where their first fear was to be alone As well as we were able to send the medical treatments to the consultations of the treating doctors in the country of residence due to the closure of airports. "
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that we applaud the service and dedication that day after day and year after year he has brought and continues to bring to BMI.
30 years being part of our great family.

- Patricia Jerez (Health Claims Manager): "Delivered Woman" a working woman, with a vocation as a leader, dedicated to the people, capable of providing support and her helping hand to our policyholders.
Patricia Jerez, a woman of purpose and power who often has the opportunity to save lives in her hands. She described the impact this has had on her life: “It has been one of the purposes of my life to be able to save lives and give all the necessary support to our policyholders in their moments of adversity, that they feel that BMI is their family and that we are always here to help them. "
BMI recognizes you for being a dedicated woman with a high level of commitment.
30 years being part of our great family.

Maribel Arrufat (Director of Life Customer Service): “Helpful Woman” an empathetic leader, who, through her acts of service through the years, has found and provided motivation in a meaningful purpose, building an inspiring mission that empowers and motivates to help our clients.
Maribel Arrufat has managed to maintain communication and support with our clients, she tells us the following: “the BMI family has always been focused on maintaining the best communication with our clients who represent us. This communication has allowed us to maintain a long and solid relationship. Being able to serve our clients is very gratifying, reaffirming our gratitude and commitment for their preference. "
We admire your dedication, empathy, and acts of good service to others.
25 years being part of our great family.

- María Isabel Solorzano (Vice President of Marketing): “Empathic Woman” Empathic leader, who has managed to connect with his team, building a sense of trust, openness and understanding that makes our agents feel appreciated, valued, listened to, recognized and cared for.
Solorzano, let us know his secret to maintain good communication and support with our agents through the years, who considers that “the key factor is to have empathy with the producers in order to develop and maintain a long professional and friendly relationship with a vision to the future. Adding that the accompaniment gives him double satisfaction, supporting the agent in his professional growth and at the same time allowing him to show the advantages that BMI offers to his sales force. "
Thank you for your work and capacity for professional affection with our agents.
35 years being part of our great family.

Today, we take this opportunity to thank these women pillars of BMI, exemplary women who fill us with pride, as well as all our employees. Women with unique characteristics that enrich our organization. Thank you all for the very fact of being a woman.
Thank you women because with your own intuition of your femininity you enrich our organization, the understanding of the world and contribute to the full truth of human relationships.
Happy day woman!