Every day we are more aware of the importance of food for our health. For this reason, various certificates have been created that collect the characteristics that food must include; among the developed terms we find: organic, ecological and biological.
Although, these terms may seem very similar to you, in reality they are not so similar, in this article, We will help you understand their differences and similarities.
The importance of consuming organic, bio and eco food
As we mentioned earlier, we know that a healthy diet helps prevent disease and can make us live longer and better. This has become a life purpose for many. Humanity is increasingly concerned with knowing what food contains, how it is processed and where it comes from.
This consumer need opened the doors for the diversity of processed, biological, organic and ecological products. These last three have gained market space to the point that studies and consumer surveys reveal that 7 out of 10 people prefer to buy products that are healthier.
It is no longer just about yielding the money on your weekly, biweekly or monthly purchase. Rather, it's about the impact these foods can have on your health, the economy, and environmental sustainability. When shopping, knowing exactly what you are consuming is a very important variable that you must consider.

What is a organic product?
They are products in whose production no chemical substances such as pesticides or fertilizers have been used. This type of product, in addition to being respectful with the environment, can be beneficial for people who have an allergy or intolerance to certain chemical elements.
They are not biological products since, although they do not use some chemical elements in their production, they may contain some genetically modified products.
Characteristics of organic products:
- They contribute to maintaining and enhancing the fertility of the soil.
- They use crop rotation.
- They help maintain the purity of groundwater.
- They prevent erosion and loss of life in the subsoil.
What is a biological product?
For a product to be considered biological, it cannot have any component that has undergone any process of genetic alteration in a laboratory, as occurs with some fruits or vegetables to improve their appearance and conservation.
Characteristics of biological products:
- Choose to use natural selection processes of the species.
- Contribute to the increase of genetic diversity, using the natural reproductive cycle of the species.
- Contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.

What is an ecological product?
They are those products that develop all their growth stages naturally in the soil and without using any artificial product in their production. Organic products are equally respectful of the environment.
Characteristics of the ecological certificate:
- Carrying out beneficial environmental practices.
- Taking advantage of the resources of nature.
- Demanding regulations that ensure the welfare of both plants and animals.
- Use of renewable energies.
It is not a new modality. The first labels were placed in the 1980s and have evolved so much that today there are about 158 different labels. All foods have a stamp to differentiate which group they belong to.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) promotes food labeling around the world as “an effective tool to protect the health of consumers”.