Relationship between the Sense of Vision and Learning
Did you know that the 65% of our brain works in one way or another related to vision? That means we are visual beings. Vision, one of the main routes of information entry, is closely related to education and learning disabilities.
Good vision is essential for a correct performance of the activities of daily life. That is why it is very important to maintain correct visual hygiene. Vision is a sense of relationship by which we perceive our environment and respond to it. Maintaining good visual acuity is synonymous with quality of life.
World Sight Day is an annual event that focuses on the global problem of blindness. Its aim is to sensitize the public around the world about the importance of preventing and treating vision loss. This event is held today October 8, 2020.

Before continuing reading this article, it is necessary that we know the difference between sight and vision. Vision consists of much more than seeing 100%, vision allows us to give meaning, to understand what we see, it is the interrelation between the eyes and the brain. Instead, sight occurs only in our eyes, it is the ability to see an object located six meters away. We are born with sight, but vision is learned, that is, it develops progressively from birth through the experiences obtained through neurological, motor and sensory development.
As we have seen, vision is closely related to learning. Alterations in these abilities can cause problems both at a sports and academic level. Among the most common difficulties we find: difficulty copying from one side to the other, blurred vision, lack of comprehension when reading, gets too close to the paper, rubs eyes often, constant headache, when moving head when reading or follows the reading line with the finger, misses or skips the lines frequently, double vision, problems with fine motor coordination, inversion of letters, difficulty remembering what has been seen or read, among others. Given these signs and symptoms consider a complete visual exam
BMI cites you some guidelines to take care of our vision:
- The reading distance from the eyes to the book will be from the elbow to the knuckle of the middle finger.
- Pausing while reading or working in front of the computer to look at a distant object or place. Thus we relax our gaze and focus.
- Do not sit closer than 1.5 to 2.5 meters from the TV.
- Have good lighting.
- Diet rich in vegetables and fruits, especially those that contain vitamin A.
- Control the use of electronic devices.
- Go out to the field and free or open spaces to be able to focus at all distances.
- Keep your eyes hydrated.
- Wear sunglasses.
- Go to the ophthalmologist regularly.

Finally, the eye is one of the most important and complex sensory organs. The eyes are what allow us to connect our inner world with the outer world. In other words, they are what allow us to understand the world in which we live and develop.
Although there are many problems that vision problems can cause, especially in learning, the good news is that we can learn to see. Additionally, with proper treatment, these difficulties are effectively resolved.
Vision, despite being closely related to learning disabilities, is the great unknown. Therefore, psychoeducation, hygiene care and periodic examinations with a specialist are important. In this way, possible difficulties in academic, personal, social and / or family areas will be avoided.
Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart, take care of it!