Misinformation and myths surrounding blood donation have been around for years. What is 100 percent certain is that with this act, you can change the lives of one or more people and their families. A healthy person has the ability to restore donated blood in up to 60 days, which is why a donor is able to give blood every 2 months and thus help up to three people with a single donation.
It is important to mention about the benefits of donating blood for our health, and for this reason, we want to mention some of them so that the next time you can take that step, do it without any fear.
Benefits of donating blood frequently
- It offers information about our state of health in general
- Improves blood flow
- Helps purify triglycerides
- Reduces risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular accidents
- Reduces excess of iron in the blood
- It increases our life expectancy
According to the Red Cross, only 5% of potential donors provide blood per year, and this creates a deficit in many hospitals. For this reason, it is extremely important to raise awareness among the population because every 3 seconds someone needs blood, and at least 1 in 10 people admitted to a hospital will need blood.
You should know that just 450 milliliters of blood could save up to three lives. Upon arrival at the transfusion center, blood is divided into three components: red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. In the future, this are transfused to patients according to their needs.

Why is it important to donate blood?
The blood received from donations is for the treatment of many diseases that cause anemia and for the treatment of different types of cancer. Likewise, it is for surgical interventions, organ transplants, accidents, bleeding, and burns.
One of the strategies of the World Health Organization (WHO) is to help low- and middle-income countries around the world improve the availability and access to blood because 42% of the 117.4 million units of blood that are mined around the world are donated in high-income countries, where 16% of the planet's population lives.
On the other hand, in low-income countries, 52% of blood transfusions are given to children under 5 years of age, while in high-income countries, the most transfused patients are those over 65 years of age, with 75% of the total.
If you want to be part of the awareness process and provide contributions so that there is a better balance and distribution, the first step is to donate, but first you must understand what the requirements are and learn more about the myths that surround this process.
Requirements to donate blood
- Be between 18 and 65 years old.
- A minimum weight of 50kg
- A brief fast of 2 hours before donating blood and 4 hours to donate platelets
- Not having suffered from hepatitis type B, C, or other sexually transmitted diseases
- Not having received an organ transplant
Now, the other aspect that you should know is about the myths that surround blood donation, which for years have caused a lot of misinformation.
- Diabetics or those with heart disease cannot donate.
- After surgery, you cannot donate (you can wait a reasonable time and then donate).
- You only have to donate blood when there are natural disasters or wars.
- People with tattoos or piercings cannot donate (you must wait 4 months, and then it is possible).
- I will get anemia if I donate blood frequently.
Donating blood is an act of solidarity that can make a big difference in the lives of those who need it. Become a frequent donor and bring hope to a person and their family because, with this small act, you could give a person a second chance at life, especially in those cities where inequality and a lack of blood are very common.