World Breastfeeding Week
If you could give your newborn a natural vaccine that protects against thousands of ills, would you do it? Although science has not been able to produce the miraculous antidote, nature has something that is quite close to it: Breastfeeding.
World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated annually from August 1-7. It was signed in August 1990 by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and other organizations, with the purpose of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding, reports UNICEF.
This year, World Lactation Week is linked to climate change since breastfeeding is a totally natural and sustainable food system, which leaves no footprint on the environment, does not require packaging, transport or fuel.
Breastfeeding beyond being ecologically beneficial, is a complete and nutritious food, with higher quality than formula or cow's milk. In addition, breastfeeding provides a series of benefits for the mother such as a lower risk of suffering from certain cancers such as breast, ovarian and uterine cancers the longer one breastfeeds, it also reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes. which reduces the risk of postpartum depression, of contracting anemia and helps with weight loss.
For the baby, it contains special antibodies serving as protection against infectious, respiratory, flu, asthma, ear infections, diarrhea, allergies and other diseases such as infant malnutrition. Also containing all the nutrients that the baby needs to grow and develop healthy, strong and intelligent.
Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, in the era of technology and we have so much information around us, many of the mothers give up breastfeeding their babies due to lack of information or fear of not being successful. It can be a challenge, which is why BMI gives you these 7 basic tips so that you can carry out the process in the best possible way.
- Immediate start: The perfect place to start breastfeeding is the delivery room itself. As soon as possible, the baby should be offered the nipple, thus, the sucking reflex will be strengthened and milk production will be stimulated, in addition to strengthening the affective bond and skin-to-skin contact.
- Exclusiveness: Only breast milk until the baby is the sixth month. From that month on, it will be essential to add other foods progressively, and it is advisable to prolong breastfeeding, at least until the first year of life.
- Proper posture: One of the most comfortable and used is the cradle position, because it is similar to holding the baby as if accusing him with the arms; making sure to support the head well on the angle of the elbow and at the level of the breast, its back supported on the forearm and the opposite hand free to accommodate the baby's mouth on the nipple.
- Frequency: At the beginning it will be necessary to control the periodicity, to ensure an adequate daily milk intake. We must give the baby milk on demand, that is, when he shows signs of hunger. However, you must be careful not to fall asleep for a long time without breastfeeding. To do this, the mother must learn to know her baby's sleep schedules and gradually accustom him to a frequency of breastfeeding, thus ensuring a good diet. The recommended frequency is on average every 2 to 3 hours.
- Duration: The average time depends on the age of the baby. At the beginning it usually varies between 20 and 30 minutes per breast approximately. It is important to remember that the first 5 to 10 minutes are the most important, as it is the time in which the baby ingests the highest percentage of milk.
- Alternate: If in the previous feeding you gave him the right breast, in the next feeding you will have to breastfeed the left one. Thus, the milk production will remain balanced, it will also prevent any of them from becoming congested and getting mastitis.
- Good nutrition and peace of mind for the mother: The best way to have a good production of breast milk, in quantity and quality, is for the mother to maintain a healthy and varied diet. It is recommended that you consume plenty of fluids such as water, juices, and milk. You will also need to maintain a pleasant and calm routine to be able to breastfeed successfully.
Family support is very important to the success of the breastfeeding process. It is very important that both mom and dad are informed before birth, because that will give them a lot of peace of mind and security. Ask an experienced person for help, whether it's an acquaintance, a lactation consultant, or your baby's doctor. We always suggest that you work with a specialist.
The best food for babies is breast milk!