There are many factors that weaken and mistreat our teeth, therefore, it is necessary to become aware of their care and not leave it aside. We know that when it comes to oral health, you immediately think about brushing, but it should be noted that the first step to keep our teeth in the best condition is to be aware of the food we eat. That's right, brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, as the American Dental Association indicates, is not enough.
It is necessary to modify your diet since it is important to see the nutritional value that food contributes to your dental health, as well as to normalize the use of dental floss and mouthwash to achieve a deep cleaning. You also have to keep in mind that you should replace your toothbrush every three or four months.
Here are some recommendations on the foods that can benefit you in caring for your teeth, and others that you should avoid to keep your smile bright.
- Coffee: It is one of the drinks that most affects the natural coloration of the teeth, since it contains chromogenic substances in its composition, which first adhere to the enamel and are gradually absorbed by the tooth, this generates brown stains that cannot be removed with a professional teeth whitening.
- Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol is an important cause of dental erosion, which consists of the wear of the enamel on the teeth due to acidity, this leads to sensitivity to heat and cold, or acidic foods and drinks. In addition, alcohol acts on the salivary glands and impairs the excretion process; As there is no saliva to waterproof the teeth and remove dental plaque, it accumulates causing tooth decay or periodontitis. Saliva works as a natural cleaning agent for our teeth.
- Sugary foods and drinks: The higher the consumption of sugars, the greater the risk of developing cavities. Dental plaque or oral biofilm increases acid production in the mouth, which destroys enamel. Similarly, its accumulation between the gums can cause gingivitis.
- Try the consumption of foods with phosphorus, calcium and vitamins of group B, these will help you to regenerate the enamel of the teeth, in addition to strengthening them. Cheese releases a large amount of calcium that mixes with plaque and adheres to teeth, protecting them against the acid that causes cavities.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots and celery, help remove plaque from your teeth. And vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin C in fruits help protect gums and other oral tissues against bacterial infections.
- Foods rich in fluoride such as fish, spinach, onions or lettuce, help improve the resistance of the enamel, prevent the appearance of cavities and reduce bacteria.
With this basic information you can begin to make the necessary adjustments in your eating habits. Remember, brush your teeth properly and visit the dentist frequently for professional oral checkups and cleanings.
If you want to see a graphic example of how to brush your mouth correctly, click on the following link;